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Tuesday, February 18, 2014 write and to Love

This site is a work in progress.  I have been contemplating how to learn to write, and I have heard many times that to learn to write you must write.  So here I am, learning to write.  I am passionate about many things and so to pick one thing to write about is too hard for me.  Another piece of advice is to write what you know...well...I'm throwing out that advice because if any of you know me you can attest to me not knowing much at all!  I think today I want to mostly write about Love.

This book is so wonderfully helpful.  I have struggled with how to love as a Christian should love.  God has graciously been teaching me and helping me on in my sanctification.

I'm going to start by giving a quick disclaimer at the outset::  There is a concept in this book that I can not agree with and that is the simple statement of, "forgive and forget".  It is mentioned briefly, in passing, and that is the harshness of those words.  Those who have struggled with great sin done TO them will likely cringe when they get to that part and I would say to please read past it.  I do not think they are meant for you with hearts that are tormented from the evil-doing of another.  God, in time, will help you to forgive, and when you reach Glory, He will wipe every tear from your eye, and that is when you will forget.  (Revelation 7:17)

But the beautifulness of this book is how Mr. Renihan takes this very well known, oft misused passage in scripture and gives a wonderful exegesis of it in context of what the Corinthian church was going through.

Mr. Renihan begins his book by looking at 1 John 4:19, "We love Him because He first loved us."  What a wonderful place to start talking about love!  How can anyone truly love without knowing the GREAT LOVE of the Father?  He helpfully explains that the source of true love comes from God.

After this Mr. Renihan explains what the Corinthians were going through and why this book was written and then BAM!  He hits us with his explanation of verses 1-3, and he does not disappoint.  (I will not tell what he writes so that you can have the pleasure of discovering it yourself.)  And he moves on, taking each segment of this chapter in turn.  And each bit is brought so well that you can not walk away saying anything but, "Wow, I thought I was doing well but yeah...totally not."  (ok, maybe you won't say EXACTLY that, maybe something more smart sounding, but I'm a new writer, mmmmk?)

The end of the book is a Gospel message.  I love how Mr. Renihan bookends this treatise with the Gospel, and how could anyone do anything but that when dealing with True Love.

My recommendation?  Go out and get this book and read truly is worth a spot on your bookshelf!


  1. Is there not a "follow" option?

  2. There is! Up at the top right you can follow by email. As I get more savvy with this I will figure it all out. ;o)

  3. You wrote a book review! I *love* when people with good judgement write book reviews! Thanks. ~Grace

  4. I'm glad you're "learning to write." I'm glad you're sharing with us. I'm glad to have found you today. Thanks! I've signed up for email.

  5. Okay, I found you today, read all your posts, and signed up for email. So keep "learning to write," please. I particularly enjoyed your two introductory pieces on modesty. Good work. I look forward to the next installment. Blessings to you in Christ. Cynthia
